eofy appeal

As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of individuals, organisations and businesses for funding.


Little Wings is a registered charity with full DGR status, meaning your donation has a huge impact on the lives of country children, and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Credit Card via GiveNow

GiveNow is a secure online fundraising platform providing commission free payments.


With your credit card through our secure PayPal system below.


Direct Deposit


BSB: 112879

Account Number: 416053923

When making a donation by direct deposit please be sure to email us at accounts@littlewings.org.au so we may send you a tax deductible donation receipt.

PO Box 86 Georges Hall NSW 2198

about little wings 

Seriously Ill Children

53% of the children we assist as some form of cancer


A Little Wings mission departs every hour


100% volunteer pilots and drivers


Saving 8000 hospital beds per year for seriously ill children

Your Impact

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Today, we saw little Azrial, light up in the arms of Little Wings volunteer driver, Karl… and it was magic in every sense of the word.

Azrial is truly Little Wings Australia VIP as he travels back and forth from Wagga Wagga to Westmead Children's Hospital routinely for almost 3-years. He has come to see our tribe of volunteers like family, and is clearly overjoyed to see a friendly face….

We want to say THANK YOU to our volunteers. They literally keep us in the air and on the road every single day and all in the name of supporting seriously ill children from regional and remote locations across NSW, QLD and the ACT… but more than that, they are the heartbeat of our little organisation. So let's show them some love ❤️ ☀️???✈️


Introducing Christopher, 9 years old and a proud Bourke local. Prior to being introduced to Little Wings, Christopher and his family were travelling via public transport, a long 12 hour journey by road.

Christopher was born with bilateral cerebral palsy. To help manage this condition, he requires quarterly medical treatment at Westmead Children's Hospital with a range of specialist medical teams. With Bourke having no available doctor or hospital locally, there is no choice but the travel long distances.

Christopher's family told us, 'Before Little Wings the journey to Sydney was one we would dread every few months. Christopher was always uncomfortable and would arrive really fatigued which would have a knock on effect to his clinics and medical appointments. We just can not believe that a service like Little Wings exists but we are so grateful… we feel like we have hit the jackpot. This service is AMAZING!'

It is absolute pleasure… so glad we could offer a little relief and a lot more comfort to you all!



Introducing Maya, 8 months old and a new resident of Dubbo. Today she travels with her parents for treatment at Westmead Children's Hospital.

Maya was born with a cleft palate, hearing impairment and a serious heart condition, meaning routine visits, invasive treatments and a large team of diverse specialists overseeing her healthcare needs. As Maya prepares for yet another surgery, she is still all smiles, bringing light and laughter to every situation.

Her mum, Sarah, told us… 'it's hard to see Maya constantly in and out of hospital. It's hard always planning the next trip, the next surgery, the next treatment, but everyone at Little Wings has helped lighten that load.
Without you, the financial pressures, the long drives and especially in the heat, would just all be too much for Maya and all of us. Thank you, your support has been a gift.'

Seeing Maya thrive is our greatest reward. Hearing the impact of our service on families like Maya's is our WHY, driving our mission and inspiring us to keep showing up for families in need.


Little Wings Flyer

Aeria Management Group