Medical wings
Medical Wings delivers clinics in partnership with local hospitals, Aboriginal Medical Centres, primary health clinics and Immigration Centres to ensure families are able to access support in a culturally safe and welcoming environment. In FY22 Medical Wings delivered 129 clinics across regional and remote New South Wales with clinics averaging 25 scheduled pediatric patients a day per visiting doctor which on average per trip is 3 doctors, as well as patients also bringing family members for walk in appointments.
Medical Wings currently supports 3,200 families across regional and remote NSW & QLD, and benefits families, communities and the health system through increasing opportunities for treatment through:
- increased access to services and increased utilisation,
- improving family wellbeing through decreased travel and reducing anxiety related to health access and treatment,
- alleviating economic burden through decreased travel costs, allowing parents and carers to stay within communities to continue working, and
- strengthening the healthcare system through building capacity within the health workforce and reducing inappropriate use of paediatric hospital beds in rural and remote.
ABC NEWS - Kamin Kock
Win News - Warren
John Hunter Newcastle Children's Hospital