Message from Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC Governor of New South Wales
Little Wings provides an important, caring service to families in rural and regional areas whose children need transport to access medical treatment far from home. That is why I am proud to be Patron and my admiration of Little Wings’ work has only deepened during the current pandemic. I call Little Wings ‘the angel of the skies’.
Recently, during a virtual meeting, Clare Pearson, Chief Executive Officer, told me of the work Little Wings continued to do during the pandemic, responding to the 60% increase in demand for its services, taking on board more pilots, and flying in and out of 55 NSW regional towns. This was only possible because of two things: the incredible support of the community in terms of funding and the work of its gracious and generous volunteers.
Little Wings’ volunteers, including dedicated pilots, drivers and the Board of Directors, have been its guiding for over the past year, together completing over 3000 hours of volunteering across the organization. During uncertain periods, including an extended lockdown, they provided the reassurance to families of sick children that they were not alone, that air and ground transport services to the medical services the children needed, continued to be available to them, in a COVID-safe environment.
Thank you, Little Wings and community partners and supporters – you make a very big different to the lives of sick children, and their families, across NSW.