Zach for his 10th birthday had one wish – that his friends and family support a cause dear to his heart. Forgoing all of his 10th birthday presents, Zach instead asked for donations raising over $2,000 for Little Wings!
First introduced to Little Wings through his Little Athletics Club, Zach came out to the hangar with his team to present us with a cheque from the Bankstown Sports Little Athletics trivia fundraising night. Zach was so inspired by the work we do that he asked his parents could he fundraise for Little Wings for his birthday. He said he has everything he needs and wants to help others who aren’t as lucky or as healthy as he is.
Aiming to raise $500, Zach and his parents were blown away when the fundraising tally reached over $2,000. Word of this fantastic result spread fast, with Zach being featured on Tim Bailey’s weather segment on Channel Ten News.
A true inspration we are very proud to meet Zach and wish him all the very best as well as the most happiest of birthdays!!
Website: Zach’s Birthday Fundraiser